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Building a multilanguage Jekyll blog

☕ 6 min read

Note on compatibility

What follows consider the use of Jekyll v0.12.1.

Looking for Jekyll v1.5? Go have a look to the one of April 2014.

Please note that some major changes happened in Jekyll v1.0.0 which made some of the following tricks not working anymore (I’m thinking about plugins). I’ll write a new post when upgrade my own Jekyll to v1.0+.

If you wish, you can still install the old Jekyll version with the following command:

# Install the old version of jekyll
$ sudo gem install jekyll --version 0.12.1

# Uninstall your current version if you dowloaded it
$ sudo gem uninstall jekyll --version <your current version>

Why Jekyll?

I won’t write a n-th post about the reason of choosing Jekyll as the static site generator for my blog. There are already plenty of them.

I’ll just sum it up with the following bullet-points :

  • I don’t need to deal with a database. I just want to Keep It Simple (Stupid) and front-end will just do it well.
  • I want to have my website updated when I push it to Github. I could have done some hook to deal with that but I don’t have to, thanks to Github Pages.
  • I love keeping myself up-to-date with new trends. And the Jekyll approach just sounds good to me.

I could recommend you the post from Harry Roberts and the one from Hugo Giraudel which comforted me in my choice.

What about multilingual?

The thing is, Jekyll is not actually build to support multinlingual blogs. The Liquid date filter will display the english version of the date. Futhermore, if you want to distinguish posts by their language, then you have to create a category per language. But the Jekyll .paginator is not build to deal with categories, which is kind of a problem.

Nevertheless, I wanted to create my blog both in French and English for few reasons :

  1. Most of the nicest websites treating about front-end development are in English, which is fine but I would like to see few of them written in my native language for other French developers who may not be fluent in English (even if they should be).
  2. I’m French and proud to be. Although I love English, there’s no reason for me not to write some posts in my native language too.
  3. This is a challenge and I love challenges… as every developer does, right?

So here’s the strategy:

  • English is the default language, at the root level.
  • Each language represents a category, which could be done thanks to the folders architecture.
  • The French part should be under the /fr base url, which is fine with the previous statements.
  • English posts should only display into /index.html, - French posts should only display into /fr/index.html (and the pagination should be done accordingly).
  • It should Keep It Simple (Stupid).

Let’s build the architecture for the source files:

|-- _includes/      # Partials included in other files
|-- _layouts/       # Templates of the website
|-- _plugins/       # Plugins to override Jekyll workflow
|-- assets/         # LESS/CSS, JS, images, …
|-- fr/             # French category
|   |-- _posts/     # French posts
|   |-- index.html  # French html files
|   |-- about.html
|   |-- (…)
|-- en/             # English category
|   |-- _posts/     # English posts
|-- index.html      # Default html files (EN)
|-- about.html
|-- (…)
|-- _config.yml     # Jekyll configuration file

When launched, Jekyll generates the static final website into the _site/ folder.

I use the _config.yml file to put some locale variables I could use in the main templates.

This is definitely not the cleanest solution in my humble opinion, but it’s quite easy to deal with and it works fine for the moment. It may change in the future in a smarter way to handle this.

Plugins on the road

In order to solve the mentioned problems, I used 2 plugins to override the regular Jekyll workflow.

1. Pagination per category

category_pagination.rb has the paginator only considers posts of the current category in order to distinguish the two languages.

I modified the original plugin to have the default category, at root level, set as the English one instead of displaying all of the site.posts.

2. i18n Filter

i18n_filter.rb customizes the page.date treatment accordingly to the locale.

I’ve had to add the _locales/fr.yml file to create the localize function. It performs just as the date does, but it displays the French format for the date.

The Github thing

Plugins are set up, templates are built, design has been completed, the git workflow is ready and so is the remote repository on Github. Let’s push!

The DNS redirection for my custom domain just works fine but… wait. It doesn’t play as expected. Damn it! I just notice that Github is running Jekyll in --safe mode, which means that plugins are disabled. And so are my category pagination and my i18n filter.

For every problem, a solution, with Google being your best friend. I found inspiration to redesign my personal workflow in that way.

Let’s have a look to my branching model.

The master branch correspond to the compiled website (the one generated into _site/ directory) so that Github can deliver it directly as a static website, thanks to the .nojekyll file. The develop branch correspond to the source files, as I would like to keep them tracked and open-sourced. They would be compiled with Jekyll in order to proceed to deployment. There’s no more merge from develop into master as there’s only deployments from now. I just work on develop and, when I’m ready, I deploy the whole site with a new commit on master.

Of course I already pushed the first commits when I realized I was wrong. But instead of recreating the whole repo and rebase my git history, I decided to deal with it with just few commits to correct the situation. There’s no shame in doing mistakes after all.

I just created a Makefile in order to do all that stuff with a make deploy command. And voilà!

And here we go

Here we are, it just works perfectly and I’m now ready to go with a both English and French, Jekyll-flavored, Github-hosted blog \o/

There is still enhancements I should take care of -such as deploying a Google Analytics and a comments system- but I’m satisfied with the result. The challenge is taken up and the journey has begun. Let’s transform these posts into a monster.

Published 6 Apr 2013

Did you know?

I’m the author of understandlegacycode.com and I’m building an interactive course to teach you to refactor any JavaScript application: refactoringjavascript.dev.

Every week, I share practical tips to help people work with Legacy Code.

I write about VS Code, web development and life in general.